Securisks | 555 Skokie Blvd, Suite 495 | Northbrook, IL 60062 | Michael.Crane@securisks.com | 847.826.2065

Securing Risk to
Keep You Safe
With so much uncertainly swirling around us everyday, you need a partner who can help you navigate your way to safety. Whether you’re challenged by workplace investigations, workplace violence prevention, or a lack of specific human resources expertise, Securisks offers you a unique combination of skill and experience to supplement your current team and implement best practices in all areas of your business. As a licensed attorney and private investigator and backed by more than 40 years of knowledge in the legal, human resources, and security industries, CEO Michael A. Crane is your go-to resource. Contact Mike at Michael.Crane@securisks.com or 847.826.2065 for a personal consultation and a customized solution to your particular security, legal, or human resource challenge.
Employment Law and Human Resource Consulting
Michael A. Crane, ESQ, CPP, CFE
Attorney and Counselor
With over forty years experience as an attorney working for the State’s Attorney of Cook County, Illinois, the law firm of Gordon and Glickson, and as in-house General Counsel for a number of retail and service companies, Mike Crane will put his knowledge and practical experience to address employment and human resource policies and procedures which impact allegations of wrong doing by the company.
Workplace Violence Prevention and Active Shooter Training
We are all aware of the violent incidents in the past several years that have occurred at schools, on campuses, in movie theaters, and in businesses. In order to keep our families, employees, and visitors safe, we need to be prepared so that we can perform the proper active shooter response if we are confronted with a dangerous situation. Dynamic training places active shooter response within the workplace violence prevention policy and focuses on both threats of violence and incidents where the perpetrator has a weapon.
Workplace Investigations
and Threat Assessment
As employers, you must seriously address employee complaints such as discrimination, sexual harassment, threats of violence, theft, wage and hour violations, and health and safety concerns and quickly conduct thorough, unbiased investigations—because you know the safety of your employees, your reputation, and your brand depend on how well you respond and what you do regarding the allegations.